

首页 » 学者 » 主修,辅修,课程 » 教育学位和课程 » Accelerated 教师资格认证计划

Accelerated 教师资格认证计划


批准的学习计划(基于成绩单审查的课程配置)必须满足宾夕法尼亚州对教师的能力要求. Keystone does not issue a certificate; however, 符合要求的学生可被推荐参加PDE认证.

有兴趣申请这些课程的学生应填写 Accelerated Teacher Preparation Application 并从应用程序内的下拉菜单中选择所需的教师准备课程(非学位). 所有学校的正式大学成绩单也必须提交给楔石大学招生办公室.

Accelerated/Intern Certification Programs



Accelerated Certification Program: Art Education

加速认证计划旨在为个人提供, 谁获得了学士学位 in visual arts or a related field, with coursework that can lead to teaching certification in Pennsylvania.

The program targets the development of skilled individuals, 谁能利用最佳实践来规划和准备K -12教室的环境和教学.

PDE批准的学习计划必须成功完成,总体平均成绩最低为3分.00,包括推荐认证和150小时的实地考察所需的先决条件. 所有教育专业都要求3分.00的绩点 to gain admission to the program and a cumulative 3.00的绩点 to continue in the program as well as a combine cumulative 3.心理学、教育学、特殊教育和艺术内容课程的GPA为00. 学生必须在本专业内容课程中取得C或以上成绩.

Students earning lower than a “C” must retake the course. “B”或以上的字母成绩是每个学生教学课程的最低成绩. Students earning lower than a “B” must retake the course.  报名参加这个项目需要艺术领域的文学学士或理学学士学位.



  • EDUC 3001正式接受
  • EDUC  1710-1740 Field Observation/Participation
  • EDUC 2135 Teaching in the Secondary School (3 cr.)
  • 艺术教育媒体 & 方法/初级(3学分.)
  • EDUC 3155发展评估I或EDUC 3165发展评估II
  • EDUC 3210 Teaching English Language Learners (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 4165艺术教育媒体 & 方法:二级(3 cr).)
  • EDUC 4910研讨会:当代问题,研究和教育伦理(3小时.)
  • PSYC 2205 Psychology of Adolescence (3 cr.)
  • 规格2110特性 and 特殊学习者的需求(3学分.)
  • 课堂管理(3学分.)
  • SPEC 3115 Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 4110 Family Partnerships, Advocacy, Collaboration & 转换

 Field Experiences are required each semester.

***另外, based on review by student’s art advisor, additional coursework may be necessary in the art content area.


  • PRAXIS II 0511 or 5511 Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge
  • PRAXIS II 0134 or 5134 Art Content Knowledge

Student Teaching Experience – 12 credits

加速认证计划:幼儿教育pre - grade 4

儿童早期加速认证项目旨在为个人提供, 谁获得了学士学位, with coursework that can lead to teaching certification in Pennsylvania. The program targets the development of skilled individuals, 谁可以利用最佳实践来规划和准备幼儿教育教室的环境和教学.

PDE批准的学习计划必须成功完成,总体平均成绩最低为3分.00,包括推荐认证和150小时的实地考察所需的先决条件. 所有教育专业都要求3分.00的绩点 to gain admission to the program and a cumulative 3.00的绩点 to continue in the program as well as a combine cumulative 3.00的绩点 in psychology, early childhood education, and special education. 学生必须在本专业内容课程中取得C或以上成绩. Students earning lower than a “C” must retake the course. “B”或以上的字母成绩是每个学生教学课程的最低成绩. Students earning lower than a “B” must retake the course.



  • EDUC 1710-1740 Field Observation/Participation
  • 心理学2190儿童发展1 or 心理学2195儿童发展II or 心理学3165认知与学习(3学分.)
  • ECE 3120课程 & 方法:数学(3学分).)
  • ECE 3125 Curriculum and Methods: Social Studies (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3130 Curriculum and Methods: Science (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3135 Early Literacy Foundations (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3001正式接受
  • EDUC 3155发展评估 or EDUC 3165 Developmental Assessment II (3cr.)
  • EDUC 3210 Teaching English Language Learners (3 cr.)
  • 教学阅读(3课时.)
  • EDUC 4910研讨会:当代问题,研究和教育伦理(3小时.)
  • 规格2110特性 & 特殊学习者的需求(3学分.)
  • 课堂管理(3学分.)
  • SPEC 3115 Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners (3 cr.)
  • 家庭伙伴关系,倡导,协作和过渡(3学分.)

Field Experiences are required each semester.


  • Pre-K-4 Module 1: Child Dev, Assessment, Professionalism (8006)
  • Pre-K-4 Module 2: Lang, Social Stud, Arts (8007)
  • Pre-K-4 Module 3: Math, Science, Health (8008)

Supervised Teaching Experience – 12 credits

  • EDUC 4720 -学生教学
  • EDUC 4725 -学生教学


早期儿童/特殊教育加速认证计划旨在为个人提供, 谁获得了学士学位, with coursework that can lead to teaching certification in Pennsylvania. The program targets the development of skilled individuals, 谁可以利用最佳实践来规划和准备幼儿教育教室的环境和教学.

PDE批准的学习计划必须成功完成,总体平均成绩最低为3分.00,包括推荐认证和150小时的实地考察所需的先决条件. 所有教育专业都要求3分.00的绩点 to gain admission to the program and a cumulative 3.00的绩点 to continue in the program as well as a combine cumulative 3.00的绩点 in psychology, early childhood education, and special education.

学生必须在本专业内容课程中取得C或以上成绩. Students earning lower than a “C” must retake the course. “B”或以上的字母成绩是每个学生教学课程的最低成绩. Students earning lower than a “B” must retake the course.



  • EDUC 3001正式接受
  • EDUC 1710-1740 Field Observation/Participation
  • PSYC 2190儿童发展I或PSYC 2195儿童发展II或PSYC 3165
  • PSYC 2205 Psychology of Adolescence (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3120课程 & 方法:数学(3学分).)
  • ECE 3125 Curriculum and Methods: Social Studies (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3130 Curriculum and Methods: Science (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3135 Early Literacy Foundations (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3155发展评估或EDUC 3165 -发展评估II(3学分).)
  • EDUC 3210 Teaching English Language Learners (3 cr.)
  • 教学阅读(3课时.)
  • EDUC 4910 Seminar: Contemporary Issues, Research and Ethics in Ed. (3 cr.)
  • 规格2110特性 & 特殊学习者的需求(3学分.)
  • SPEC 2115 – Special Education Processes and Procedures (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 2120 -早期干预 & 过渡(3cr).)
  • 课堂管理(3学分.)
  • SPEC 3115 Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3120 – Low Incidence Disabilities: Assessment & 说明书(3cr).)
  • SPEC 3125 – Evidence-Based Strategies (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3130 – Learning Disabilities: Identification & 说明书(3cr).)
  • 规范3140 -过渡计划(3 cr.)
  • SPEC 4110 Family Partnerships, Advocacy, Collaboration, & 过渡(3cr).)

Field Experiences are required each semester.

Students must present evidence of attempting to take student teaching:

  • Pre-K-4 Module 1: Child Dev, Assessment, Professionalism (8006)
  • Pre-K-4 Module 2: Lang, Social Stud, Arts (8007)
  • Pre-K-4 Module 3: Math, Science, Health (8008)

Student Teaching Experience – 12 credits

  • EDUC 4710或4715特殊教育
  • EDUC 4720 or EDUC 4725 Early Childhood Education

Accelerated Certification Program: Math Education


数学教育加速认证计划旨在为个人提供, 谁获得了学士学位, with coursework that can lead to teaching certification in Pennsylvania. 该计划的目标是培养有技能的个人,他们可以利用最佳实践来规划和准备7-12教室的环境和教学.

PDE批准的学习计划必须成功完成,总体平均成绩最低为3分.00,包括推荐认证和150小时的实地考察所需的先决条件. 所有教育专业都要求3分.00的绩点 to gain admission to the program and a cumulative 3.00的绩点 to continue in the program as well as a combine cumulative 3.心理学、教育学、特殊教育和数学内容课程的平均绩点为00. 学生必须在本专业内容课程中取得C或以上成绩.

Students earning lower than a “C” must retake the course. “B”或以上的字母成绩是每个学生教学课程的最低成绩. Students earning lower than a “B” must retake the course.



  • 大学数学II(3学分.)
  • 数学2150微积分I(4学分.)
  • MATH 2110 Mathematics Through History (3 cr.)
  • 数学2115统计学(3学分.)
  • 线性代数(3学分. Spring) or MATH 3135 Abstract Algebra (3 cr.)
  • 离散数学(3学分.)
  • 微积分II(4学分.)
  • 数学通讯(3学分.)
  • 线性代数(3学分. Spring) or MATH 3135 Abstract Algebra (3 cr.)
  • 数学3125几何(3学分.)
  • MATH 3120 Statistics and Research (3 cr.)
  • MATH 3200   Mathematics Education and methods: Secondary Schools


  • EDUC 1710-1740 Field Observation/Participation
  • EDUC 2135 Teaching in the Secondary School (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3155发展评估I或EDUC 3165发展评估II
  • EDUC 3200 Mathematics Education and Methods: Secondary Schools (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3210 Teaching English Language Learners (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 4910研讨会:当代问题,研究和教育伦理(3小时.)
  • PSYC 2205 Psychology of Adolescence (3 cr.)
  • 规格2110特性 and 特殊学习者的需求(3学分.)
  • SPEC 3115 Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners (3 cr.)
  • 课堂管理(3学分.)
  • SPEC 4110 Family Partnerships, Advocacy, Collaboration & 转换

Field Experiences are required each semester.


  • PRAXIS II   5161 Math: Content Knowledge

Supervised Teaching Experience – 12 credits

  • EDUC 4740: Student Teaching at the Middle Level – 6 credits
  • EDUC 4745: Student Teaching at the Secondary Level – 6 credits

Accelerated Certification Program: Social Studies Education

社会研究教育加速认证计划的目的是提供个人, 谁获得了学士学位, with coursework that can lead to teaching certification in Pennsylvania. The program targets the development of skilled individuals, 谁能利用最佳实践来规划和准备7-12教室的环境和教学.

PDE批准的学习计划必须成功完成,总体平均成绩最低为3分.00,包括推荐认证和150小时的实地考察所需的先决条件. 所有教育专业都要求3分.00的绩点 to gain admission to the program and a cumulative 3.00的绩点 to continue in the program as well as a combine cumulative 3.在心理学、教育学、特殊教育和社会研究内容课程中平均绩点为00. 学生必须在本专业内容课程中取得C或以上成绩.

Students earning lower than a “C” must retake the course. “B”或以上的字母成绩是每个学生教学课程的最低成绩. Students earning lower than a “B” must retake the course.



  • EDUC 3001正式接受
  • ECON 2110 Principles of Economics I (3 cr.) or Econ 2115 Principles of Economics II
  • GEOG 1110 Introduction to Geography (3 cr.) or GEOG 3110 Cultural Geography (3 cr.)
  • 历史1130年.S. 历史1(3学分.)
  • 历史:1135年.S. 历史二(3学分.)
  • HIST 2120 The Making of the Modern World (3 cr.)或HIST 1115西方文明
  • POSC 1110美国政府(3 cr.) or POSC 2110 State/Local Government (3 cr.)
  • POSC/HIST 3000级选修课(3学分.)
  • PSYC 1110普通心理学(3学分.)
  • SOCI 1110 Introduction to Sociology (3 cr.)或SOCI 2125 The Family (3 cr).)


  • EDUC 1710-1740 Field Observation/Participation
  • EDUC 2135 Teaching in the Secondary School (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3155发展评估I或EDUC 3165发展评估II
  • EDUC 3175 Secondary Curriculum and Methods:  Social Studies (3cr.)
  • EDUC 3195 Instructional Strategies for Content Area Reading (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3210 Teaching English Language Learners (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 4910研讨会:当代问题,研究和教育伦理(3小时.)
  • 规格2110特性 and 特殊学习者的需求(3学分.)
  • SPEC 3115 Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners (3 cr.)
  • 课堂管理(3学分.)
  • SPEC 4110 Family Partnerships, Advocacy, Collaboration & 转换

Field Experiences are required each semester.


  • PRAXIS II   0081 or 5081 Social Studies: Content Knowledge (7-12)

Supervised Teaching Experience (12 credits)

  • EDUC 4740:学生教学- 6学分
  • EDUC 4745:学生教学- 6学分

Accelerated Certification Program: Special Education

特殊教育加速认证计划旨在为个人提供, 谁获得了学士学位, with coursework that can lead to teaching certification in Pennsylvania. The program targets the development of skilled individuals, 谁能利用最佳实践来规划和准备特殊教育教室的环境和教学.

PDE批准的学习计划必须成功完成总体161 重点大学 2020-2021目录162最低平均绩点3.00,包括推荐认证和150小时的实地考察所需的先决条件. 所有教育专业都要求3分.00 to gain admission to the program and a cumulative 3.00的绩点 to continue in the program as well as a combined cumulative 3.00的绩点 in psychology, early childhood education and special education.

Students earning lower than a “C” must retake the course. “B”或以上的字母成绩是每个学生教学课程的最低成绩. Students earning lower than a “B” must retake the course.


  • EDUC 3001正式接受
  • EDUC 1710-1740 Field Observation/Participation
  • ECE 3120课程 & 方法:数学(3学分).)
  • ECE 3125 Curriculum and Methods: Social Studies (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3130 Curriculum and Methods: Science (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3135 Early Literacy Foundations (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3155发展评估 or EDUC 3165 Developmental Assessment II (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3210 Teaching English Language Learners (3 cr.)
  • 教学阅读(3课时.)
  • EDUC 4910研讨会:当代问题,研究和教育伦理(3小时.)
  • 心理学2190儿童发展1 or 心理学2195儿童发展2 or 心理学3165认知与学习(3学分.)
  • PSYC 2205 Psychology of Adolescence (3 cr.)
  • 规格2110特性 & 特殊学习者的需求(3学分.)
  • SPEC 2115 Special Education Processes and Procedures (3 cr.)
  • 早期干预 & 过渡(3cr).)
  • 课堂管理(3学分.)
  • SPEC 3115 Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3120 Low Incidence Disabilities:  Assessment & 说明书(3cr).)
  • SPEC 3125 Evidence-Based Strategies (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3130 Learning Disabilities: Identification & 说明书(3cr).)
  • SPEC 3140过渡计划(3 cr.)
  • 家庭伙伴关系,倡导,协作和过渡(3学分.)

Field Experiences are required each semester.


  • Spec Education: Core Knowledge and Applications (5254)
  • Fundamental Subjects Content Knowledge (5511/0511)

Student Teaching Experience – 12 credits

  • EDUC 4710 – Student Teaching Special Education
  • EDUC 4715 -学生教学



  • 艺术教育学前班12年级
  • Early Childhood Education – PreK – grade 4
  • 数学教育,7-12年级
  • 社会研究教育,7-12年级
  • 特殊教育,学前12年级

该专业证书允许学生在其认证领域担任全职或长期替代职位.  教师实习证书课程是通过批准的课程提供者获得认证的另一种途径.  该证书有效期为三年,证书颁发后,考生必须继续参加该项目.  申请教师实习证书项目,候选人必须:

  • Have a bachelor’s degree from an approved college or university
  • 通过国家规定的认证测试
  • 3分.0的绩点
  • 完成所有课程
  • 有当前的许可
  • Be formally accepted into the Education Program
  • Complete an Education Department Screening



Angela Ceccarelli, 22岁



特殊教育加速证书和2023年宾夕法尼亚州ASCD玛丽·拉维塔奖学金获得者. 阅读更多关于Nicole的信息.

